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The Bunker Cafe

Darlinghurst NSW


GAP Designers were asked to help design & document a small

shop that needed a tight arrangement of display & preparation areas due to the owners experience behind bars & cafes.


We enjoyed working with him to arrange his equipment & designed the shop expressing the feature wall with a simple yet eye catching display of materials and allowing access for trafficable areas to the public to enter and dine as needed.



GAP Designers is an Australian-owned Company specialising in Building Design & Architectural Drafting , Council DA and CC Services, and Complying Development Certificate (CDC) applications.

 GAP Designers assists with developing your ideas, whether it’s a simple Garage design or a complete 2 Storey renovation or new build, simplifying issues, highly experienced and cost effective alternatives to adding value to your home. GAP Designers services all Sydney including the Central Coast & Newcastle regions.

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Proud Members of the Building Designers Association of Australia

BDAA - Trademark Logo

Sydney office: Level 1, 5 George Street,

North Strathfield NSW 2137


Central Coast Office: Blue Bay NSW 2261


Call us today  -  02 97394801 or 02 9095 4229


Proud Members of the HIA (Housing Industry Association of Australia)

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