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Granny Flats dont need Council approval



You don’t need council approval to build a granny flat on your property, but you do need a Private Certifier instead.


This means that you can have a 2 bedroom granny flat built in your backyard, with no council approval, without neighbors objecting and approved in as little as 10 days.


In 2009, the NSW Government released the Affordable Housing State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) which permits all residential home-owners with a property larger then 450m2 (which also has a minimum 12m street frontage) to build a granny flat on their property.


The NSW Affordable Housing State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) was introduced in 2009 allowing granny flats in NSW to be approved as a complying development in just 10 days via a Private Certifier.


This legislation means that residential homeowners do not require granny flat approvals on their property subject to some minimum requirements.


The minimum site requirements for a granny flat approval as a complying development include:


✅Property must be a minimum 450m² in area

✅Property must be zoned residential

✅Property must have a 12 metre width at the building line of the existing dwelling. If your property does not meet this requirement you could apply for an attached granny flat.

✅Maintain a 3.0m setback from the rear and 0.9m from side boundaries

✅Maintain a distance of 3.0m from any existing trees that are over 6m in height

✅Maximum 60m² external area for your granny flat


Call us today for a free quote.

You must comply with these rules or else you will need to go to through your local Councils Development process. (no negotiations)

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GAP Designers is an Australian-owned Company specialising in Building Design & Architectural Drafting , Council DA and CC Services, and Complying Development Certificate (CDC) applications.

 GAP Designers assists with developing your ideas, whether it’s a simple Garage design or a complete 2 Storey renovation or new build, simplifying issues, highly experienced and cost effective alternatives to adding value to your home. GAP Designers services all Sydney including the Central Coast & Newcastle regions.

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